Meet Bryan

My Sandlapper roots run as deep as our grand oak trees. Amidst our diverse landscapes, my journey began – intertwining the wisdom of our past with a vision for our future. The natural beauty of South Carolina has been a constant inspiration. Growing up, I was captivated by the balance between delicate wetlands and the historic charm of our cities. This blend sparked my fascination with the interplay of human habitation and environment. Exploring creeks and wandering Charleston’s cobblestones, I understood how surroundings impact our lives. It was here, amid our state’s living history, that I dreamed of fostering spaces that honors our culture while embracing tomorrow’s possibilities.

Bryan McElveen Dunes Properties of Charleston
Bryan seated on a park bench wearing a light colored shirt and a wristwatch, looking towards the camera with a large street clock in the background.

I have always been an explorer and tinkerer at heart, driven by an insatiable curiosity to understand how things work at their core. As a youngster I was building computers and running BBS systems before the Internet was really a thing. Later, I studied the intricate world of molecular biology at the University of South Carolina. My studies there ranged from genetic research to field work in forests and wetlands, exploring the mechanics of how things work in nature. At the Hollings Marine Laboratory, I contributed to ecological research studies in genetics to further enhance my understanding of our environment and the impact of civilization on nature.

This scientific background illuminated the delicate equilibrium within ecosystems, a principle I now apply to urban design. The evolution of this journey led me to realize that the most impactful way to change our world for the better was to create a sea change in how we structure our built environment. Influenced by visionaries like Jane Jacobs and Jeff Speck, I’ve developed a unique perspective on community dynamics and human-centric urban spaces. Their groundbreaking work informs my approach to creating environments that foster both ecological and social well-being.

Today, my mission has evolved into advocating for sustainable, livable communities that respect our natural and cultural legacy. I view cities as complex systems requiring meticulous planning and consideration. This synthesis of environmental science and urban planning principles drives my advocacy for intelligent, sustainable development – a core philosophy that permeates my real estate brokerage at Dunes Properties of Charleston. As an advocate for livable communities with smart, sustainable development, my approach to real estate in Charleston may be unique, but for me, it’s a no-brainer. I’m obsessed with how the design of our environment – from the room we’re in to the neighborhood we walk through – affects our mood, spirit, ambitions, and life. 


We are upgrading!

All of the informative and relatable content is working fine, however we are upgrading our MLS connection this weekend so most of the links to homes and listings will not be functional.

For any specific questions reach out to Bryan or visit the direct MLS home search app at: Dunes Properties MLS